“Hoy la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (Alba) y el presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, le están llevando a un sector de Europa la posibilidad de mirar al Sur”, resaltó, durante su intervención en el programa Toda Venezuela, que transmite el canal de televisión público Venezolana de Televisión (VTV).
El periodista destacó que mientras en Venezuela Chávez se encarga de construir sueños, en Europa le roban los sueños a la población con medidas capitalistas que llevan a los países a la pobreza extrema, con una tasa de desempleo juvenil que supera el 50 por ciento, en España, y que en Portugal alcanza el 40 por ciento.
En España se registran, además, más de 5 millones de desempleados, de acuerdo con cifras reveladas por el Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social.
En contraposición, Olivia se refirió al fortalecimiento de los organismos regionales impulsados en América Latina como el Alba, la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur) y la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac), que buscan contrarrestar las medidas neoliberales que aplican los gobiernos del Norte.
También en la entrevista de este lunes, el también periodista Fernando Casado sostuvo que estos bloques “son una candelita que se va prendiendo como una punta de lanza y forman parte de un proceso de emancipación en América Latina y que también representa una alternativa a ese fin de la historia, que era el triunfo del neoliberalismo”.
ERP companies reduce the cost of the implementation using Indian Origin companies, how? First, we have to say that the ERP are not completed yet and there were a lot of mistakes already committed previously, at the level that it is necessary an ERP reengineering for USA. At the beginning there were two teams working in the ERP, the business part (reengineering) and the programmers. suddenly only programmers (it does not matter if they are functional or technical consultants) were used thinking in cheap cost installations and also thinking that the ERP were ready to give any solution to any company in the world, this is such a mistake because ERP modules were not integrated scientifically, according with industrial engineering, Operations Research and other areas of studies related to well-functioning of the ERP for business to increase productivity, reduce cost programs, system analysis, among others, so programmers does not have all the skills American companies require all the time when they were implementing the ERP. The problem was extended to other countries, specially socialist and communist countries in which some of them, they do not even installed a global solution, so there were using another ERP license no similar than the Corporate, also there was no business analysis in a scientific way to integrate modules and more fraud, terrorism and other in the ERP path of implementations of the Corporates, without ethic programmers companies did not say nothing or warned their client, and the clients also did not care about the business situation, especially in American public companies. Also programmers companies tried to avoid in any way confrontation with business consultants and others, not letting them understand the wrong working of the ERP, so the only solution was given by high school educated IT consultants.